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Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I’m working on a increasingly complex review system to replace the basic one that I have at the moment. I plan to make a system where anyone can review and post races much easier (and so provide a alternative to the basic and flawed Rockstar system). A search facility will be provided so you can search for the kinds of races you like. 

It all sounds very good but my complete lack of expertise means I’m running to Google docs to provide a solution – and it’s limited facilities may prove a stumbling block. Also a lack of time is currently providing a more substantial stumbling block at the moment. Be patient and I’ll get something good going, hopefully. 

We now have 4 members, which is pretty good I guess but I’m yet to actually do anything with any of you on GTA! I’m on pretty late at 9 or 10 UK time until really late UK time. Hope to catch some of you on-line in the coming week.